What Is The Fat Loss Factor Program?

The Fat Loss Factor is a weight loss program created by Dr. Charles M. Allen that comprises a comprehensive diet and workout regime along with stress management, goal-setting and other supportive activities. In this 12-week fat loss program, dieters can choose one of the levels of difficult (beginner, intermediate, advanced weight loss) depending upon how much weight they want to lose.

Phase 1

This two week phase basically involves consumption of natural foods for the purpose of detox. You will eat raw seeds, raw nuts, legumes, olive oils and organic fruits and vegetables and avoid meat, eggs, dairy products, sugar bread, grains and artificial sweeteners. You should only drink reverse or spring osmosis water over the period.

During these 2 weeks, it's recommended to avoid doing any strenuous exercise but instead take light exercises like walking for 30-60 minutes a day outdoors.

Phase 1 of the Fat Loss factor is aimed at helping you to;

Flush toxins, Lose extra weight, Boost your immune system,Increase your energy, Improve your sleeping patterns.

Phase 2

Once you've completed the 2-weeks detox, you will go on to the 12 week phase 2 which comprises of Lifestyle Un-Diet.This diet is usually based on healthy fats, lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables and low glycemic carbohydrates.

There are several rules you should follow during phase 2;

1.Consume several small meals in day.

2.Eat a raw food during every meal.

3.Drink plenty of water.

4.Eat most of the calories in the morning.

5.Select a cheat day every week.

If you've not achieved your goals of weight loss after twelve weeks on the Fat Loss Factor program, you're advised to evaluate yourself, learn from experiences and, if possible, start the program from the beginning.


One of the important elements highlighted in the Fat Loss Factor Plan is exercise as it builds muscles, boosts metabolism and reduces stress.This weight loss program includes 3 distinct strength-training regimes( lasting 12 weeks) for each level of difficulty; beginners, intermediate and the advanced dieters. Each workout takes 35 to 60 minutes and you'll initially start exercising three times each week and gradually increase the frequency of exercise. Exercises are usually performed on machines.

The Fat Loss Factor plan also includes several examples of short workouts (usually 15-minute long) that dieters can do when they're short on time.

Pros of this program

1. You have a choice of 4 diet options depending upon your goals.

2. The program encourages consumption of fruit and vegetables and organic foods.

3. Offers advice about developing a new weight-management lifestyle.

4. Encourages dieters to set goals and keep a journal, which have been shown to bring about greater fat loss success.

5. The diet comprises grocery list and several recipes.

6. Highlights importance of adopting stress management strategies.

Cons of this program

1. It could be a little expensive to consume organic foods.

2. The advanced options in the plan require that dieters fast for at least 3 days.

3. Does not have a meal plan.

4. Requires home gym equipment or gym membership to perform the exercise regime recommended while on the program.

5. Planning and preparation of meals may require much time.

Go here for more information about The help lose weight. Read this article a list of fat burning foods for more information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Carson_Smith

The Fat Loss Factor Explained

The techniques presented in the Fat Loss Factor are designed to reset your metabolism and lower stress on your digestive system. By implementing the techniques outlined in the program, you will improve the function of your digestive tract, making it more efficient. You will feel healthier, have more energy, and ultimately lose weight.

Ten benefits you will gain from the Fat Loss Factor:

1. Lose excess weight.

2. Eliminate harmful toxins causing your fat cells to shrink.

3. Strengthen your immune system.

4. Gain energy.

5. Sharpen your mind.

6. Increase your endurance.

7. Accomplish more.

8. Sleep better.

9. Improve your overall health and well being.

10. Break down emotional ties that you have with food.

The Fat Loss Factor Program Overview

Part 1 - Law Of Un-Adaptation

Our bodies were designed to adapt. As humans, our ability to adapt has helped us survive for thousands of years. BUT there is a problem with this when you apply it to your health. Your body adapts to a particular way of eating and you hit what is known as a fat loss plateau. And this is what stops you from losing weight on a diet. Have you ever noticed that when you start any diet program, you lose weight at the beginning and then the amount you lose tapers off and it becomes much harder to lose additional weight?

So What is the Fat Loss Factor Solution?

Cleansing and cleaning out the liver to prime your body's metabolism for long term weight loss. Then, giving you an easy plan to follow for as long as you choose to!

Part 2 - Get Rid Of Toxins

To rid your body of fat permanently, you need to cleanse your body of toxins. Over the years, your body has accumulated toxins from processed foods, pollution, and chemicals in the environment. These toxins accumulate in your fat cells. If you remove the fat cells, you can remove the toxins. What separates this program from other programs is you will break your mind and body down, and then build it back up. In the process, you will change your lifestyle.

A giant portion of your belly fat (and body fat for that matter) is due to three things: (1) incorrect diet, (2) poorly functioning liver, and (3) a clogged up Colon. If you find yourself eating a large amount of processed foods, dairy products, red meat, preservatives, etc., you are ingesting an enormous amount of toxins. These toxins overwhelm your two main detoxification organs... that's right, you guessed it: your liver and your colon. Since this happens over a long period of time. That's why the Fat Loss Factor is so effective, by getting you healthy first, it enables you to the lose weight and burn fat far more effectively.

Tobias Charles writes on all aspects of fitness and nutrition but specializes in providing information on how to lose weight and burn fat. For more information visit us at http://www.fatlossfactorreviews.co.uk

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tobias_Charles

Best Fat Loss Workout Ever!

Resistance training is a crucial component of a fat loss workout. If total body transformation is your goal, you would be remiss if you shunned resistance training in your exercise program.

By its very nature, resistance training is anaerobic in nature. It is primarily fueled by glycogen (the body's stored form of carbohydrates,) during the activity; however, the real benefit of resistance training in a fat loss workout occurs AFTER the workout itself. Let me explain:

While its true that all 3 energy systems are constantly working in different ratios / proportions during the activity (based upon the intensity and the duration,) and while its also true that the body's preferred source of energy for high intensity activities is sugar, it is also true that during recovery at low intensities, the body's preferred fuel for energy is fat.

In addition to fueling the body's normal functions at low intensity, fat is called upon even more AFTER a resistance training workout. The body depletes plenty of ATP (the body's currency of energy) during a workout.

Those energy stores need to be resynthesized post workout and producing that energy takes energy. Muscle glycogen stores need to be resynthesized post workout and that takes energy to perform. The heart is also a muscle and its energy stores need refilled and that also takes energy, and that energy comes from fat.

So, as you can see, the body's functions all need to "reset" the body to prepare itself for another bout of exercise or an emergency (known as the fight or flight response.)

A good fat loss workout would include:

1. Exercises that focus on Big Muscle Groups
2. Exercises that are compound movements (which means movement occurs at more than one joint)
3. Exercises are performed with a weight that causes failure or near failure in the 8-12 repetition range.

Here is an example of exercise selection for a sound fat loss workout:

Deadlift 3 Sets 8-12 Repetitions
Flat Barbell Bench Press 3 Sets 8-12 Repetitions
Dumbbell Squats 3 Sets 8-12 Repetitions
Shoulder Press (Dbells) 3 Sets 8-12 Repetitions
Pullups / Lat Pulldowns 3 Sets 8-12 Repetitions

The above sample fat loss workout is one that targets big muscle groups of the entire body, using compound, multi-joint movements.

This workout could be performed in approx.. 30 minutes after a 10 minute warm-up was performed. A 10 minute cool down should follow any resistance training workout.

Best of luck with your continued Fat Loss and Body Transformation Success.

http://www.fitforfaithministries.com, Jennifer is the founder of the Christian Fitness Ministry Fit for Faith Ministries. The ministry enables people to become better stewards of the body that God has entrusted to them.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Hayward